Kaitlyn Christian | US

Kaitlyn Christian

A soccer player during her childhood, Kaitlyn was introduced to tennis at the age of 8 through the tennis courts next to her soccer arena. With no family history of tennis, it was happenstance that she found a new sport that she enjoyed, and for a while, Kaitlyn played both tennis and soccer simultaneously, before ultimately choosing to focus on tennis. She continued playing junior tennis in Southern California, before playing college tennis at the University of Southern California for four years. Today, she competes professionally on the pro tour.

Athletic Achievements:

  • Career high/Current doubles ranking: 118
  • #1 NCAA doubles 4 years
  • 2013 NCAA doubles champion
  • 10 ITF Pro Circuit Titles
  • Body Double for Emma Stone in Battle of the Sexes

How SaltStick helps Kaitlyn:

“SaltStick helps me properly nourish my body on the road and during training sessions at home. Traveling most of the year to hot and humid places, SaltStick allows me to keep high levels of electrolytes and always stay healthy while pushing my boundaries!”

Kaitlyn’s favorite thing about tennis:

“Traveling, competing and meeting new people.”

Kaitlyn Christian around the web